But who can unlearn all the facts that I've learned,
As I sat in their chairs and my synapses burned...
All my vasoconstrictors, they come slowly undone;
Can't this wait 'til I'm old &mdash can't I live while I'm young?

— Phish, "Chalkdust Torture"

Economics 302: Macroeconomic Analysis

Final Exam

General Information:

The final exam will be offered on Thursday, May 17, from 2 – 5 PM . The room will be announced. This date and time has been scheduled by the Registrar's Office to avoid conflicts with other courses. Thus, the final exam will not be offered at any other time. The final is cumulative, although the emphasis is on the material since the midterm. Like the midterm exam, the final is closed-book and closed-notes. Concepts from lecture, the readings, the problem sets, and the quizzes may appear on the final.

The exam will have three sections: a series of multiple-choice questions (like the quizzes), a set of "true/false/uncertain" questions, and a set of "essay" questions (like the problem sets, and which may require algebriac manipulation or simple numerical computations). You will have three hours to complete for the final exam.

Exam Policy:

The midterm exam is being offered at the above date and time only. An unexcused absence from the final exam will result in a failing grade for the course. Do not enroll for this course if you are unable to take the exam as scheduled.

Review Session:

A review session for the final exam will be scheduled prior to the end of the reading period. The scheduled date, time and location will be announced here and via e-mail. You should prepare questions ahead of time and bring them to the review session.

Honor Code:

In accordance with Wesleyan's Honor Code, you may not receive any assistance, of any form, on this midterm exam. If you have any questions about the application of the Honor Code, please contact me.

Study Materials: